Friday, December 4, 2009

The Berber Origins

The Berber culture is great and has a very rich history. No one knows exactly where the berbers came from. Today, there are four theories on who the Berbers are and how they came to be in Morocco. One of them is that they were Palestinian tribe whose chief was Goliath. After Goliath was killed by David, the tribe fled westwards toward Morocco. Another theory saisthat they were a Central Asian tribe that migrated into Africa around 650 - 600 Before Christ. There is another story on where the berbers come from. One day, - Ifrikos the king of Yemen invaded north africa and found people speaking an incomprehensible tongue. He called them "Berbera" , which means "A mixture of incomprehensible words". When the Romans came they found the same people speaking the same tongue. They called them "Barbari" for barbarians. This is how these people got the name "Berbers".

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